Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Viewership in Far-Flung Places

Due to the nature of my work and life, I pay attention to minutiae about countries a bit more than most, I think. In managing this little blog, I tend to watch what days get the most hits, what topics prompt the most visitors... that sort of thing. On a good day I see a spike of about 20 viewers- usually from:

- the U.S. (about 80% of my viewership),
- Canada (love you guys),
- the UK (say "hi" to Kate Middleton for me),

... and fewer but regular hits from:

- Australia (thanks NFB, I know its you),
- New Zealand (way better than old zealand),
- Germany (Koln is one of my favorite cities)
- Scandanavia (mostly Sweden)
- S. Africa (great rugby)
- China (knows how to build a hell of a wall)

.... and then there are the odd ones.

- Iran. I've seen someone(s) from Iran pop in at least a couple times a week. I really hope its a wargamer that, like me, gets stuck in odd places and has to go out of their way to get some gaming in. I cant imagine how it would be to game in Iran - I hear its actually a nice place to live and has a vibrant, if underground, young population. I like to think that Vir Triumphalis is an outlet for some 20-ish gamer who has to struggle to get a couple games. I like that image a lot better than the idea some Iranian intel dude is stuck having to read my blog and try to decipher what the hell I am talking about.

- Russia. I get a lot of viewership from Russia. Okay, not "a lot" but about 10 hits per month of so. Thats statistically significant and usually on par for places like New Zealand and South Africa. I've traced some of the origin pages and its definitely in Cyrillic - and looks to be Russian gaming forums and clubs. Thats very cool. If you are one of my Russian viewers (or the Russian viewer) I say, На здоровье!

- N. Korea. Yup, it hasn't happened recently but for a while there I would get a couple hits a month from N. Korea of all places. Huh. Maybe Kim Jong Il likes himself some Trollbloods and skypes with his buddies while playing Dark Heresy.

Or Maybe not.


If you are popping in to this post, and have the time and wherewithall, leave a comment and let me know where you are from - especially if you are from outside the U.S..


  1. Hi,
    Ken from Norway here. I mostly read the blog in Google Reader. Not sure if that shows up in your statistics.

  2. Thanks Kenneth. Yeah, I see a majority of my readers use Google reader or Google Chrome - seems google is slowly taking over the net. Anything you want me to concentrate on? Should I endeavor to learn Norwegian to make it more user friendly for you? :)

  3. Woo! Name (well, initials) check! I'm slightly famous!

  4. Very famous, Nick. Very famous.

  5. That last thing, about being famous with the Russians, may not actually be true.
