Thursday, March 7, 2013

Join the Party -- The Utility of Jammers (Content)

A Wanzer, from Front Mission -- an inspiration for the Jammers. 
One thing I have discovered about my writing is that I do my best stuff when I am working with someone.  I find new energy when I can bounce ideas off of people, and my prose is more direct when someone else can call out my crazy ideas and pull them back.  Part of the reason I am doing this blog, and airing my ideas for all to see, is that I am hopeful a handful of you out there will see merit in The Difference Equation and decide to help out.

Luckily, I have had a number of people step up so far and help.  I pitched my core setting concept to a bunch of friends, and they gave me initial feedback.  Since then, I have asked a couple published rpg writer friends to look over the core catalog and timeline to see what they had to say.  The setting has evolved considerably since those first few collaborations, to the point where I think many of the original group would be surprised to see how far things have progressed.  Its a better, more exciting setting specifically because of those first key pieces of feedback.

...and now there is Brandon.  Brandon is a buddy I met on the Dream Pod 9 forums.  I am convinced he is responsible for at least half the hits that come in to this blog -- and he single-handed carries on a conversation over on G+ that pushes me farther and farther into the setting and forcing me to make smart and critical decisions about the direction I am taking the game.

Brandon has been so helpful, he went so far as to start tentatively writing some content.  His stuff is really good.  Real good.  I am happy to have him and his insights on board.

So, I'd like this, the last content post for the week, to focus on one of Brandon's contributions.

The Best of Bad Options: Jammers in Modern Warfare:  The few major capital ships built by the SCEs and major powers of the Solar System are often leviathans that carry firepower strong enough to cause major damage to colonies and enough reaction mass for sustained combat burns.  Their downside, however, is their enormous mass and detection signature.  In space, it is nearly impossible to hide a ship due to the advancements of sensor technology.  Mass detection devices are used regularly by every colony and ship as a means of observing asteroids, comets, and other debris that might come dangerously close to impacting with stations.  The tremendous velocities of these naturally-occurring projectiles makes them a viable threat to all. The mass detection devices are also used by the powers to montior each other's naval shipyards, allowing nations to be made aware within hours of when a ship is departing from a specific area.

For this reason, any unannounced departure of capital ships from their dockyards is tantamount to an act of war by all powers concerned, and the space command structures often announce at least a day prior of any patrols in order to avoid provoking an international crisis.

With this current state of affairs, Jammers have become a vital necessity for the powers.  Their small mass allows them to be transported aboard most any ship available, and it is not uncommon for them to be given specialized ships designed expressly to be innocuous-looking, even ragged in appearance, while actually housing an entire team of Jammers and the facilities needed to maintain them.

Due to Newton's Third Law of Motion, mass-drivers and railguns using kinetic energy projectiles are limited in distribution among space-based Jammer squadrons, and their ammunition typically includes a self-destruct mechanism contained within their spikes so that if they do miss their target they do not present a threat to innocent travelers in the area surrounding a hot zone. Missiles, while slower on initial launch, are also safer, and include the same self-destruct mechanisms, often made tamper-proof so that industrious pirates do not attempt to retrieve the weapons after they have been armed and launched.  Lasers, meanwhile, have become the long-range weapon of choice, but their enormous power requirements typically mean that a Jammer must be equipped with an auxiliary power system to maintain the weapon for prolonged skirmishes.  To offset this, Jammers will also carry aerosol chaff that can be used to diffract the laser's intensity and lessen its pinpoint killing power.

Space-based Jammer squadrons on deep space missions typically use a highly-reflective armor skin, like silver, which helps to avoid visual detection when further away from the sun's light. Nearer to the gravity wells, this is changed for a brighter color scheme allowing visual recognition from friendly units and also from civilian ships passing in the area. Planet-borne Jammer squadrons will typically use a mimetic skin that can be charged or heated to change and adapt its colors to the surrounding terrain.  Due to the enormous firepower carried by most Jammers, deep space combat is short and vicious, with pilots using stealth and surprise to overwhelm their opponents. Any engagements that last longer usually occur near stations and other large objects that provide cover and concealment and also mask the mass of the Jammers from enemy sensors.


Awesome, right?  I edited a bit, but not much.  90% of the above is his - and is the result of some very smart and intuitive mental leaps on his part.

If anyone else out there has ideas they want to contribute, please do so -- here, over email, or on G+.  If I can get this setting and game to a point where it gets published, I promise you will get the credit you deserve.  This isn't me just trying to steal other people's ideas -- this is me trying to open up my playground so other people can play on the jungle gym.

...and selfishly, like I said, the more interaction with others I have as I hash out ideas, the better my stuff becomes.  So, for that and many other things, welcome aboard Brandon!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A look at [ ] might be of interest.

  3. Rock on. I wasnt aware of that thred - but its very helpful. Seems to reinforce some of TDE's assumptions (Jammers as units of deception) - and blow a couple out of the water. One idea that the detection thing raises (and that Brandon and I have been discussion on G+) is the idea that in a wartime footing the aggressor basically detonates a nuke to serve as heat and radiation chaff -- you announce the arrival of your forces, but the exact nature of the arrival and the numbers involved could be disguised.

  4. How big and roughly what design style are you looking at for your (soon to be M/AM I'm guessing) powered ships?

    Which way do the decks run?

    What do they run on now?

  5. Ships would generally be big. I cant say yet specific dimensions - but my gut tells me that a small frigate would run the size of a modern day CVN.

    Antimatter is a power source - but still somewhat rare. Volatiles are still the defacto source for thrust for most non-mil ships. Even most mil ships still use volitiles (though that is subject to change -- I am working through some notes where I think M/AM just makes more sense in-setting and from a design perspective). What I am leaning towards is most mil ships have M/AM drives with volitle backups, while almost all civilian ships still rely on volatiles.

    Decks normally run vertically - with forward momentum of the ship creating artifical gravity. Many patrol ships would have wheel habs attached to the superstructure for times when the forward momentum is too slow or the ship is stopped.

  6. I know I keep suggesting a lot of books rather than type out extremely long comments, but reviewing a synopsis on wiki or off a web search, heck even Amazon comments, should be almost as good for your purposes.

    On this subject I might mention;
    Arthur Clarke's 'Imperial Earth' (good read),
    Charles Sheffield's 'Cold as Ice' & 'Dark As Day'
    Jack McDevitt's 'The Engines of God',
    David Drake's 'With the Lightnings' (space opera)

  7. You might want to run this by [The Dark] on DP9 forums if you can, but this is some thoughts on potential & realistic space combat.

    1) You can't prevent being detected.

    2) Detection requires large aperture arrays with long baselines consolidated into usable data by computer. However, even folding arms and dishes would significantly increase a vessel's overall size when deployed, while possible limiting maneuver capability.

    3) You can't hide, but you may be able to spoof by active measures, drones, and passive decoys. Problem - depending on light speed lag your countermeasures would probably need to already be in place before you get attacked.

    4) Outside of a few tens of kilometers, maybe possibly pushed to around a hundred kilometers, railguns are no longer direct fire capable due to velocity limitations, leaving only DEWs (directed energy weapons). Everything else is going to depend on proximity kill rather than direct contact kill.

    Missiles would probably carry layered pallets of mixed wedges comprised of low mass metallic alloys, ceramics, or dense plastics - doing all their damage by velocity of impact for the very few that might hit something.

    DEWs - do damage by energy delivered per square cm, but lose focus at the square of their range.

    Lasers suffer from needing wide diameter lenses to focus the most useful in a vacuum short wavelengths such as UV, while many scientists debate whether focusing into the X-ray band is even possible. [ ]

    Particle beams are another ball of wax, but one you've probably already considered or looked into.

    5) Nukes as cover would also degrade your own sensor picture, probably to a greater extent than another platform's.

    As weapons, nukes actually have a rather small 'hard kill' radius. But if you know about Orion spacecraft you probably already know about debris velocity off a pulverized warhead.

    6) No OTV (orbital transfer vessel) could carry enough direct protection to stop kinetic impact, but may be able to abate it somewhat with layered construction, compartmentalization, fuel/water tankage, etc.

    The old Traveller 'Clippers' might be a good potential example of modular construction locked to a hard spine.

    You might like;
    Kevin O'Donnell Jr.'s 'Fire on the Border',
    Robert Frezza's 'A Small Colonial War'

  8. 1) No, you cant. But you might be able to create enough noise to make useful detection by your opponents difficult or even impossible. The question I am working with is what type of background noise could mask a signature and how to deploy such a device.

    2) My thoughts exactly. The ship designs I have been working with have detection apertures all over - with the understanding that they can deploy further if needed.

    3) Again, the preplacement of countermeasures is what I am thinking about. The opening of a war would give the initiator an advantage -- which is good because that leads to drama.

    4) are you talking exclusively in an atmosphere or space as well?

    4.5) I havent done much thinking of Particle weapons yet -- Brandon has been helpful in pushing me into that stuff so far. One thing I was daydreaming about is missiles topped with sandcaster/particle shotguns. The missiles deliver the particle accelerator to the vicinity of the target, and the particle accelerator zooms in and goes for the kill - maximizing the amount of kinetic energy is each strike.

    5) Noted.

    6) For every measure, they is a likely countermeasure.
